What Is Controlling In A Relationship
The most toxic male dating personalities that you can possibly come across. what is controlling in a relationship or signs he's a controlling you in a relationship.

If you are in one of the most toxic relationships that you can possibly end up in, where you're facing controlling behavior that you could be involved in one.

What are the signs of a controlling person?

1) Insecurity - You're more insecure than you used to be. This can be in the relationship or it can be in life in general, but you've lost confidence since being in a relationship with controlling men. You don't feel like you have as many friends. You don't feel like you're doing as well in life.

You don't feel like your hobbies are going as well or perhaps you just feel insecure and questioning yourself all the time, am I controlling like you have to lean on him. It's a sign you're in a controlling relationship. If you're not feeling as confident and not feeling the real you that you perceive you used to be.

2) Lack of Privacy or Personal Space - He knows all your passwords. You don't have

·  A private social media account
·  A private email
·  A private messenger

Everything that's yours is now managed by your controlling man. You lack any sort of privacy, he can check up on anything he likes.

3) Life Around Him - He is your everything. So before you met him, you are doing things, going out with your friends, you had hobbies which you're interested in, you are kicking ass at work and going to extracurricular or extra work stuff. Now, he's basically become your everything. 

Maybe you still go to work, but that's about it. The rest of your life revolves around him in other words men who control women.

4) Focused on You - You are his everything. So this is a little bit more unusual than the previous one. He is your everything, but in a lot of cases, the controlling husband or guy doesn't have anything else in his life either. He's very focused on the relationship. He's focused on controlling you, what you're doing, and that's the primary source of his self-esteem.

5) Ruling - What's good for him is not good for you. So for the controlling guy, sometimes yes, you are his everything, but other times, he plays by his own set of rules. He can go out, he can meet his friends, he can go see his family, but you're not allowed to do any of the above. A controlling guy plays by one set of rules, you have to apply by another, and it's a strong sign you're in a husband controlling.
What are the signs of a controlling person
6) Questioning Yourself - You feel like you're walking on eggshells all of the time. You're constantly questioning yourself, thinking, you

=> Can I do this?

=> What would he react?
=> Should I do this?

Trying not to piss him off, thinking this way all the time.

Note - When you're in a controlling relationship or facing controlling behavior, you feel like you can't do anything right. A lot of the time, you've been manipulated along the way and made to feel like any dramas in the relationship, any problems are your fault. Thus, you're constantly walking on eggshells for fear of pissing him off.

7) Making Excuses - You make excuses for him to your friends. You find yourself explaining his behavior to your friends. You're justifying it as, Oh no, he loves me, or he's a really great guy when we're at home, you don't know the side of him that I do.

If you have to justify his behavior to your friends, and your friends are all telling you the same thing, it's a strong sign you're in a controlling relationship.

Special Note - 

What Is Controlling In A RelationshipYou feel like you have to ask permission. So whatever it is, you feel like you just can't do it if you don't get his permission first. Whether it's going out or maybe starting a new hobby, or just going out to see a friend, whatever it is, you feel like, There's no way I could do it without first asking his permission.

8) Feel Weird Saying No - Might be some of you know that controlling guys are charmingly persistent, whereas a normal guy will have opinions, he's not going to charmingly insist them onto you. The controlling guy is charmingly persistent, and it gets you into this habit of agreeing with what he says early in the relationship. 

You're saying yes, and thus, you start to feel weird saying no. It just doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel like a dynamic that occurs in your relationship. If you feel weird saying no to something he says or suggests, it's a strong sign he's controlling you in a relationship.

Lastly, what is controlling in a relationship?

9) Abuse -  Sadly, it's abuse. Whether it's emotional, physical, mental, if there's abuse going on in your relationship, it is a guarantee that you're in a controlling relationship. If this is the case, the reasons you got there are not so much important, to examine now as is the way that you fix it and solve the problem right now.

How to fix a toxic relationship?

In a lot of cases, in controlling relationships, your support network's been taken away, and that's the first thing you've got to get back if you want to fix the problem. So tell a friend, tell a family member, call a support line.
Do whatever it takes to get some support around you to help you deal with the situation. Encourage yourself to get those supporting people who help you to deal with the situation.

Controlling relationships are one of the absolute most toxic relationships you can possibly end up in. If you have ended up in one, you'll know that this is true. If you haven't yet, be very, very thankful, and be aware of these controlling toxic relationships after reading.

Special Advice - Make sure you avoid these types of relationships. If you know these signs in the future so that you don't end up in anything remotely resembling a controlling relationship.

I hope this could aware that what is controlling in a relationship is all about if you are also feeling the same controlling behavior then write us at games in love. We always appreciate your opinion and love to solve your queries.