Why do guys never want a relationship with me
Have you ever thought about getting into a relationship or just wonder if a guy wants to be in a relationship with you Why do guys never want a relationship with me, so you don't have to waste your time, energy, and effort to continue thinking no man wants me.

Why don't guys like me

He doesn't want a relationship with you or why do guys never want a relationship with me

1) He's not paying attention to you this is a huge revealing sign no guy wants me, not listening to you when you're talking or constantly on the phone while together.

Major red flags, he's disengaged, his mind is already somewhere else if he wants something more or to be together his mind will be present and he'll give you his undivided attention if not it's time to move on and find someone else who will pay attention to you, someone who values you.

Guys don't like me

2) He's talking to other people behind your back, you're probably not the only one he's talking to if you notice his response time is slow or that he's been following new people on his social media accounts, there is a high chance that he's talking or texting to a few other people hence the delayed responses or the cancellation of plans.

Note - A great significant sign, why guys dont like me if he still has dating apps running on his phone, he might be talking to other people on there as well so if you see this then there's a good chance that he's not looking for anything serious right now with you.

No guys like me

3) He's constantly playing the trust card, do you always hear him say this,

=> Why don't you trust me or you don't trust me huh

He's playing reverse psychology with you, he's trying to make you feel guilty and using trust as his line of defense but now if he overplays the trust card it's time for you to trust your own guts and walk away there's nothing to trust about him if he's not being honest upfront.

Why dont guys like me

4) He rarely introduces you to people in his life, it's a different story if he's new in town and doesn't really have many friends and family but if he does have and he's not willing to show them to you there's something fishy going on.

The whole point of doing this is to show the other person that you're somewhat serious about a relationship if not he's probably on the fence about it or that you give him the benefit of the doubt, what you both have going on is still somewhat new.

Why dont men ever love me or won't commit

a) He's only 65 percent sure about you, which means he spends his time inside his mind doubting whether he should actually enter into a serious relationship with you or maybe he is in a relationship with you.

But spends his whole time debating whether he should stay, that's a tough thing for you to hear. It's a tough thing for any of us to hear but the fact is, if he's 65 percent sure about you it makes him 100 percent wrong for you.

b) Bad timing, it could be you met someone who's about to go traveling for the next three years, it could be that he's at an age where he says he's absolutely not ready to settle down at this age but whatever the reason he sees it as bad timing even if you think he's the right guy I promise you, the right guy at the wrong time is still the wrong guy.

c) He doesn't take you seriously is because you don't take yourself seriously. Most people in life don't think of themselves as good salespeople but that's actually not true. I believe most people are great salespeople when they talk about something they're passionate about something they believe in.
Why don't guys like me
Note - When you don't believe in your own worth that's when you allow men to barter you down from what you really want, a beautiful committed fulfilling relationship to some bullshit second-rate casual dynamic that you never wanted in the first place.

If we don't get, taken seriously that is a direct reflection of how seriously we take ourselves, and how seriously we take ourselves is a direct reflection of our internal core confidence.

It's kind of awkward so you can wait out at this point but if you waited for two years and he still has not shown you a single soul then you should probably start to question about it, what am I doing wrong with guys.

Note - He always cancels plans with you then you're obviously not so high up there on his priority list which insists you think, no one wants to date me.

5) He goes out for a few days, if you both have a phone then there's no reason for a person to just go missing for a few days without replying back or responding to your messages.

The worst part of this, if you see him posting on social media and he's not replying to you then he's definitely not interested, he's still out there playing. So he's not going to be serious with you anytime soon.

6) Why don't men pick me, he's not opening up to you, his walls are so high that not even a helicopter can fly over it. When someone is ready for a relationship they'll lower their walls and start to talk about feelings and having personal conversations with you.
But if this guy isn't doing that with you there might be something going on with him.

He might be insecure and need more time to be comfortable with you or he isn't really emotionally invested in you to be serious, so that's why his walls are still up if that's the case you should just build your own walls.

7) You both are bumping heads with each other. Sometimes just as friends conflicts will arise and you both settle things then move on but with him it's different.

He always wants things his way, he's not willing to compromise and meet you halfway. This is serious, men don't like me sign then you shouldn't be in a relationship if this is constantly happening because if you do the relationship won't last long either wait, trust me if this happens again just argue your way out of it.

8) He's not ready for a relationship a lot of things could happen perhaps he just got out of a serious relationship or he needs to focus on work at a moment or simply he's not emotionally ready for a relationship.

After all, a relationship requires a lot of time and commitment it's not for everyone unless both parties are ready for it.

Advice - Don't waste your time on guys who aren't worth it.

What to do when he won't commit to a relationship, When a guy says, I m not sure about a relationship with you, or men don t want relationships.

Those words are difficult and painful to hear from someone you really like especially if you want in a relationship, leave you disappointed, and unsure of how to respond.

You're going to be wondering why dont men ever love me, does he just not want a relationship with me or does he not want a relationship with anyone.

Why guys dont want relationships, men are unable or unwilling to take on responsibilities to commit themselves.

They are usually scared of loneliness yet they're constantly changing partners and looking for younger ones because whenever the relationship starts, it asks for a high level of commitment, They scared of and break it up.

Relationships with younger people have the advantage of being able to live day by day without too many responsibilities, they also involve fewer future plans, therefore, fewer responsibilities.

So don't think you have a weakness that's why he doesn't want a relationship, it's not that he doesn't want a relationship with you but he doesn't want the responsibilities that go along with the adult relationship.

Some men will not grow out of this for a long long time, so exit the relationship gracefully.

If he has a great job, he's responsible and shows maturely responsible behaviors then
Telling him off would certainly damage the relationship, might result in, losing him forever instead keep your head up let him know you understand that he is unsure or confused.

He deserves to be in the happiest and best relationship for him, let him know, it's super important to you then let him know of a solution that might really help him is what he needs to take some time alone to figure it all out.

Yes, you are the one that suggests him, he needs time away to figure it out because again everyone deserves to be happy and to be with the person they're fully sure of.

Have you ever give suggestions to someone?

Committed to when you tell him that is the nicest most sincere way, possible you were letting him know that you want him to be happy.

Special Advice - Rejection does not mean you're not good enough, if for whatever reason you are not right for someone else that decision is up to them.

It's easy to get hung up on the whys behind their decision but dwelling on them doesn't change the reality. If you aren't right for someone else which means they're not right for you, so move on and let them go.

Do not use the experience to prove that you aren't good enough to meet a person, that's not right for you a person that's not a good match is not a reflection on you.

It's him so don't worry too much Why don't guys want me, best is to focus on yourself there's no rush to be in a relationship let things run their course. The best relationship is those that are unexpected and then you find your handsome prince charming to be with me.

This will clear your doubts on w
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