Breaking up used to mean ending a relationship. And it meant you weren't likely to encounter your ex until you happened to run into her again, Being friends with an ex online social media Facebook.
Staying Friends With Ex
What about Facebook, though? Is it possible to keep in touch with an ex-girlfriend on Facebook? Or, more importantly, can you use Facebook to get your ex back if your girlfriend hasn't unfriended you after you broke up?
Breaking up has become considerably more complicated as a result of social media than it used to be. Things used to be simple you'd lose each other's phone numbers and move on with your lives.
Being Friends With Ex
Nowadays? Even after the relationship appears to be finished, you have a large number of social media connections. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, group text messages... all of a sudden, you have to choose which ties to cut and which to keep.
Seeing an ex-girlfriend, especially if you're still in love with her, maybe excruciating. When Facebook tells you where she went that day, who she met up with, what she did, and what she ate for breakfast, wanting her back and even trying to win her heart again becomes immensely more complicated.
Simply unfriending your ex may appear to be a straightforward solution. But what about when it comes to concerns of the heart? Nothing is ever that straightforward. Because these connections represent a part of your previous relationship, you'll want to keep them. One that you cherished and eagerly anticipated each day. One that drew you closer together, even if it pained your heart right now.
Being Friends With An Ex
What Happens If You Break Up With Facebook?
Before we get into social media, it's important to understand what happens during a breakup. Not only with you, the person who was dumped, but also with what's going on in your ex-girlfriends.
First and foremost, your ex did not dump you for no reason. Sometimes a female will tell you the real reason for the breakup, but most of the time she will come up with another, less complicated reason to stop the relationship. Simply because she wants to get out of the situation as quickly and cleanly as possible.
Do you want to know why she dumped you? Find out how to get her to divulge the cause. Because one of the first stages in regaining her is to understand why things ended the way they did.
Ex Wants To Be Friends
Second, be aware that your ex-girlfriend is keeping a tight eye on you following the breakup. And she's not doing it for your benefit it's for her own.
Anyone who has ever broken up with someone has thought to themselves, "I hope I'm making the right decision." They're looking for evidence that their decision was accurate that terminating things was the right decision, and that the person they left behind was not the proper person for them.
So, when your ex looks back over her shoulder, what do you think she'll say? She's expecting you to be unhappy. She'd like to see you suffocate. This isn't because she's harsh it's because seeing you like this makes her feel like she'd be better off without you. After all, why would she date you if you're so hung up on her? Your happiness appears to be dependent on her, and that's a lot of responsibility she doesn't want.
Staying Friends With An Ex
Also? You're a GUY, right? No man should be crying, whimpering, or begging a girl to return their affection. No man should be sitting by the phone, heartbroken because his girlfriend has broken up with him. These are massive turnoffs.
Characteristics and behaviors that will entice your ex-girlfriend to seek you out again.
My Ex Wants To Be Friends
A man should be powerful in all aspects of his life cognitively, emotionally, and physically. A man should be self-assured. Independent. A guy should always know what to do in any situation so that he can look after her in the event of an emergency.
Girls enjoy being pampered. Yes, even the self-sufficient ones. So what if you can't even look after yourself? You've lost a lot of credibility.
Whatever it was about you that drew your girlfriend in the first place must be the same qualities that will win her back. Keep in mind how she perceives you. Don't waste your time indulging in a self-indulgent sorrow party. If you're doing that right now, you'd better man up because you HAVE TO STOP.
How To Be Friends With Your Ex
Is your ex on Facebook?
You have no way of knowing when someone is looking at your Facebook profile. Following all, your ex-girlfriend is keeping a close eye on you after the breakup. She's looking over your profile to see what you're up to, and she wants to know if you're happy.
This is why you don't puke all over yourself on your feed. There are no bad music lyrics. There are no dismal meme visuals here. In reality, once your girl breaks up with you, the best thing you can do on Facebook is simple.
Being Friends After A Breakup
Not a single thing.
Never underestimate the value of doing nothing at all when attempting to figure out how to get your girlfriend back. Silence is always valuable, but it shines brighter in the aftermath of an unwelcome split.
Your ex needs to see that she was correct emotionally. She wants to know that she made the correct decision mentally. You being unhappy equals her being correct. But what happens if you completely abandon Facebook? Any self-assurance she's trying to establish is immediately shattered. The fact that you can't see what you're doing is the most unsettling thing for your ex-girlfriend.
She may unfriend you out of annoyance.
Should You Stay Friends With Your Ex
If Your Ex Unfriends You on Facebook, What Should You Do?
If your ex de-friends you on social media, it's for one of two reasons:
1) You're on your way to her. By unfriending you, she's making a statement, and she'll be watching for a reaction.
2) She's getting
ready to start seeing someone new, and she doesn't want you to view her
Facebook page.
This assumes you've been separated for a while.
Unfriending you shortly after the split is also a possibility, although it's unlikely unless you had a major fight, betrayed her, or something equally heinous.
Friends With Ex
If your ex unfriends you, the last thing you want to do is tell her about it. Saying something, even if it's a nasty or sarcastic remark, will make you appear jilted. You don't want to appear jilted. When it comes to something as trivial as a social media page, you never want to appear as if you give a damn.
It's all about appearances when it comes to making your ex want you back. Instilling a sense of want. You can't do that if you're crying about not being "friends" on a website or that you shouldn't be able to connect on Facebook or Instagram. None of these things should concern you as a strong, independent, and self-assured man.
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