The Fear of Rejection In Addiction

Although rejection is an inevitable aspect of life, some people are more vulnerable to it than others. This can occur as a result of how someone conducts their life, The Fear of Rejection in Addiction.

Addiction To A Person

Let's imagine you're an entrepreneur who is continuously pitching new concepts to different people. Someone like this will end up taking more risks, which means they will not have the same level of acceptability as someone with a regular job.

Alternatively, someone may be at a stage in their life where they are looking for someone with whom to have a relationship. Then, to meet their match, one can go out regularly.

Addicted To Person

If a man approaches multiple women rather than waiting for a male to approach her, he will very certainly be rejected. However, in situations like this, the rejection they face is a means to an end.

A Significant Difference, This is inherently different from someone who, rather than experiencing rejection regularly, is constantly confronted with it. They may also tend to feel rejected for no apparent reason, in addition to what happens externally.

As a result, it makes no difference what happens outside of them they will continue to feel unaccepted and useless. It isn't just a passing feeling anymore it has been ingrained in their nature.

However, just because this is a sentiment that has grown ingrained in their lives does not indicate that they will be aware of it. As a result, it may appear as though they are only experiencing life in this way as a result of what is going on around them.

Can You Be Addicted To Someone

They will also feel rejected as a result of what is going on inside them, even though they haven't been rejected. It will be as though they are wearing special glasses that dictate how they interpret other people's actions.

A Frequently Occurring Situation, If such a person is in a relationship, they may discover that their spouse does not treat them well. Nonetheless, rather than taking action or quitting the relationship, they opt to put up with the situation.

Addicted To Someone

They may have trouble recalling the last time they felt loved and appreciated by this individual, indicating how unhealthy their connection is. If people look back on their lives, they may discover that their previous relationships were similar.

Note- We must recognize when our rage turns against us. When your thoughts shift from I hate her for leaving me to Of course she left me, you've reached a turning point. You may ensure that your inner critic is presently at work if you say, I'm nobody.

We feel weaker and worse the more we listen to it and follow its doctrines. Take time to jot down your thoughts in the third person when you sense that voice creeping in. Use your statements rather than my phrases.

Being Addicted To Someone

Another Possibility, Alternatively, is that this person could still be thinking about their previous relationship, even though it ended months ago and was no longer effective. They may feel rejected and unimportant as a result of your actions.

As a result, even though it wasn't a fulfilling relationship, they'll still crave the person who treated them terribly. They may also have moments when they imagine what it might be like to be with someone different.

It Is Feeling Right, Even so, if they met someone different and things progressed, there is a good possibility they would lose interest quickly. This individual will not treat them in a way that reflects how they are feeling on the inside.

Addiction To A Person

Can You Be Addicted To A Person

It won't matter if they wanted to be with someone who accepted them before the relationship started, because a larger part of them won't want that. This aspect of them will only be at ease if they are with someone who understands how they are feeling on the inside.

Note - We will be better off in the long run if we can recognize when we are turning against ourselves rather than just feeling the sorrow of challenging situations. We can learn to distinguish our current feelings from the old hurts and insults we've carried around with us. We can learn to see rejection as the loss of a valued individual without compromising our sense of self-worth.

What Makes A Man Addicted To A Woman

So, consciously, one might desire to feel liked and to be accepted by others, but intuitively, this is not a safe feeling. Because getting rejected is what makes them feel comfortable on a deeper level, it will feel as if they are a part of who they are.

In the end, their ego can construct an identity around anything, regardless of how empowering or disempowering it is. The only thing that matters is that it is familiar, and familiarity is synonymous with safety.

Person Addiction

It would be as though one had lost themselves if they were to let go of this sensation and no longer felt rejected all of the time. They will only know who they are when they are rejected, therefore losing that feeling would be a loss.

Their ego-mind would have learned to equate being rejected with feeling safe at some time in their lives. Feeling this manner would have progressively been a part of their identity as the days and weeks passed.

Back in Time, This could indicate that they were abused or neglected during their early years. They would have been in a lot of agonies if they had been treated this way, but there would have been nothing they could do about it.

Addictive People

It wouldn't have been good for them to be in so much pain and be treated so horribly, but it would have been what felt comfortable. Even if it meant being treated with kindness, being treated differently would have been viewed as a threat to their life.

If someone considers all of this, they will be able to see why they are addicted to feeling horrible. Their actions may have appeared unreasonable in the past, but they will now make more sense. You may need to seek outside assistance if you can relate to this and wish to make a difference in your life.

Good Things To Be Addicted To

Note - We can lay out and follow our ideals when we take a step back from our inner critic's biased perspective. As a result, we develop a strong and healthy sense of ourselves that no one can destroy.

It's becoming increasingly difficult to identify ourselves through the perspective of others, especially those who have injured us along the way. It's not about boosting our egos when we get rid of our inner critic and build this feeling of self.

The Fear of Rejection in Addiction, can you be addicted to a person, comments at Games in love.