A person's life can be made or broken by the correct relationships. Wrong connections have the potential to destroy a person's life. We learn at the start of our story about Edwin, our warrior hero, that he is a raider of surrounding settlements, causing chaos and death, and Why good relationships are essential for long life.
Giving Out Your Number While In A Relationship
The booty from the attacks was Edwin's primary source of life and provision. He showed little interest in other hobbies such as farming or running a business that added value to the community. He did, however, hunt, and this became another area in which he could succeed and support himself.
Edwin had resembled his uncle in many respects by the time he was sixteen. His uncle died not long after. At the age of twenty, Edwin began to have dreams about his future if he stayed on his current path. He'd wake up sweating as he felt the desperation of a life ruled by pain, and the need to exact revenge as a result of the pain.
From the foregoing, it is clear that Edwin's connections hurt his way of life. He had a spiritual awakening that led to a new understanding of the potential of a life other than the one he had known.
Only Thing We Do Right Is Make Over
A person must be aware of the types of people who would assist them in getting to their desired destination. People who have no desire to improve themselves will not encourage others to grow and follow their goals. They will merely bounce from one event to the next, their lives lacking in direction and meaning. We may become aimless and purposeless if we spend time with them.
What may appear evident to the outside viewer may not be so obvious to the individual concerned. Edwin, for example, determines that getting nice to an attractive woman vying for his attention is acceptable.
What Is More Important Loyalty or Respect
Edwin is thinking to himself, 'I better get moving.' But, deep down, he knows that the attention he is receiving from this young woman is pleasurable.
The other Evening officers were ready to depart when Edwin was rescued by the same officer. This time, Edwin was irritated at being interrupted. But his sense of obligation to get a good night's sleep for tomorrow, as well as his devotion to Greer, his wife, prompted him to say good night and thank his hostess.
Faro, the lovely Randar hostess, squeezed Edwin's hand goodbye, which appeared to linger a little longer than was appropriate for their connection.
Recipe For A Good Relationship
As we can see, Edwin is in a vulnerable position, but luckily, one of his fellow officers rushed to his rescue. We need good friends who are prepared to stand out and correct us when we are wrong, even if it isn't what we want to hear. If Edwin had known, he would have made sure he never saw Faro again. However, as we can see, he thinks that seeing her again is within his rights and even part of his responsibilities.
He received a message from one of Faro's servants throughout the day. It included a dinner invitation for the next day. Edwin pondered his options as he reviewed the invitation. His natural reaction was to say no. But then he remembered how Faro represented someone with a lot of power.
What Do I Bring To The Table In A Relationship
He should take steps to guarantee that she and her circle of acquaintances were on friendly terms with the Evening administration. And Edwin just so happened to be a key member of that government.
Aside from the fact that there would be servants, he should invite Carson to join him. No, he might not realize it was merely diplomacy because he's Greer's cousin.
Edwin found himself looking forward to seeing Faro again the next day. After all, she was entertaining. People would understand that he, as a soldier away from home, would relish the opportunity to spend time with an attractive lady.
One By One Everyone Comes To Remember
He realized he hadn't written Greer the day before and hadn't written her yet today as he readied to leave for Faro's. He had been writing her every day for the past two days and had now missed two in a row.
Hmmm, she'll understand I've been preoccupied with my duties perhaps I'll do it tonight when I come home.
He came to a halt and decided to be a few minutes late rather than miss another day. He penned a quickly composed note to Greer, his shortest yet, but she'll know he still loves and misses her. On his way out, he handed it over to the military courier.
What Do You Bring To The Table In A Relationship
Edwin apologized for being late as he arrived at Faro's house. But, given the state of the water clocks, who could say for sure how late he was or even if he was late at all?
Faro was dressed to the nines in her best welcoming outfit, revealing a little more cleavage than Edwin remembered seeing a few days before. She seemed genuinely delighted to see him again, and he admired her excitement.
As you can expect, her excitement and Edwin's admiration for it resulted in a potential deal-breaker in his relationship with Greer. Fortunately for him, Percival was able to step in and stop things from spiraling out of control.
If That's Not Love Then What Is
Another example of Edwin having a vital friend who is willing to go against the grain for his good. We all require friends who will defend us against ourselves.
A Strong Relationship Requires Choosing
To live a life we can look back on and say we lived the life we were designed for, we need the correct relationships. When pondering the formation of a new crucial relationship, adopt the mindset of Yes, I can do that.
Your instinctive answer of "I can" will gradually take the place of the old automatic response of "I can't." If required, seek knowledgeable advice and help in your efforts to change your thinking.
Note - It is critical to have someone listen to us and to feel heard. Both people should feel generally comfortable bringing up difficulties, expressing themselves, and listening to one another in a good partnership. While not every conversation will be easy, both partners should feel as if they are being heard.
The relationship might suffer if a person's feelings or wants are disregarded or not respected. It is critical for both partners to make room for the other.
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relationships are essential for long life, Why to desire in a
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