Being a Narcissistic Extension

The personality trait of seeing others as extensions of oneself has received a lot of attention. In this situation, a person won't accept that other people are individuals with their thoughts, feelings, and interests, Being a Narcissistic Extension.

It will seem as if other individuals are simply there to meet their needs and have nothing going on inside of them. This will have the effect of making someone feel that they can treat them whatever they want.

Is It Rude To Walk Ahead Of Someone

After all, they believe that other people are only there to serve as a means of providing for their needs nothing more, nothing less. Therefore, one won't need to ask another person for permission if they want anything from them, just as one wouldn't need to ask anyone for permission to use their car, for example.

The only thing they will need to do is steal what they want from someone, which may include using them or simply utilizing something that is rightfully theirs. One will also believe they are the center of the universe, which will lead them to have high expectations of attention.

Then, no matter where they are or what is happening, one will need to be the center of attention. They could have a propensity to talk over or louder than other people.

Always The Victim Never Your Fault

It won't be appropriate for someone else to live their own life or act independently of them. It is okay for the people in their life to give them their full attention and include them in whatever they do.

One way to interpret this is that someone like this will sap the energy of those around them. They will ultimately use the energy they consume to maintain their inflated egos.

They won't be equal to normal people instead, they'll be higher-level beings. They will have the freedom to act however they choose and to take whatever they desire thanks to their uniqueness or difference.

Note - Even though they may appear to have strong personalities, those who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder are highly susceptible. They are viewed as fragile by psychotherapists.

Those Who Think They Are Perfect

They experience extreme emptiness, helplessness, and meaninglessness. Because of their acute fragility, they have a powerful desire for control over their surroundings, the people around them, and their emotions.

Someone with such a limited emotional range might frequently only feel emotions that are consistent with their sense of superiority. They could become enraged if their perception of themselves is in any way questioned or if someone doesn't react the way they would want.

This is perhaps a defense against feelings of rejection, helplessness, powerlessness, and worthlessness, among others. Therefore, this aspect shouldn't be revealed as long as people are free to act as they like and can get good reinforcement.

Narcissist Pretends Nothing Happened

The kind of person who typically attracts individuals like this is also discussed, albeit less frequently. In contrast to the individual above, who is only concerned with their wants and ignores the needs of others, this person is not concerned with their own needs at all.

Then, putting aside their wants, their main priority will be to do whatever they can to meet those of others. They might not even be aware of their wants since they are so preoccupied with meeting those of others.

Then, one can give the impression that they are eager to assist others in any way they can. Then, it will be a part of who they are to act as if they are just an extension of others.

Note - Despite their claims to the contrary, you must judge whether you truly feel loved by them based on how they treat you. Empathy, compassion, and in-depth knowledge of the person we care about are necessary for true love. We take an active interest in that person's life and development.

Narcissist Pretends Nothing Happened

An Extension Of Me

It will be more comfortable for them to ignore their demands, which will likely prevent them from realizing that they are being used. Therefore, it won't be noticeable when someone treats them like they are just an extension of them.

They probably wouldn't feel comfortable if someone gave them alternative treatment and put their needs first. However, it is probably what feels correct when someone disregards another person's needs and expects them to put their own needs first.

One might also discover that, if they were to find themselves in a crowded space, they would probably be lured to someone who would disregard their requirements. This will demonstrate that they were drawn to someone who was a match in terms of energy.

Entitled Narcissist

It is obvious that the person lacks limits, doesn't value oneself, and is uncomfortable taking care of their own needs. They might not even be aware that they are a person and not just an extension of others deep down.

Additionally, they could think that their wants are unimportant and feel as though they are intrinsically worthless. Considering everything, one is consequently the ideal candidate for someone content to utilize others.

Note - Narcissists struggle to emotionally connect with others since they don't have a strong sense of self-worth. They must rely on other people for validation because of their underdeveloped sense of self and insufficient inner resources. They are more afraid of being unwelcome than they are confident. They are only able to appreciate themselves as they appear to others.

Referring To Yourself In The Third Person Narcissistic

This most likely indicates that the person didn't get the proper care during their early years. They wouldn't have been able to have a solid sense of self because of this.

They may have been raised by a caretaker who treated them as an extension of themselves, which would have made them act more like a caregiver than like children who require specific things to grow and develop.

Being handled in this manner would have prevented them from learning how to set boundaries, and would have cut them off from their wants.

Note - Relationships with narcissists are challenging because of their defensive strategies employed to hide their vulnerability. Arrogance and scorn, denial, projection, violence, and envy are common forms of defense that they employ.

These defenses provide a narcissist an exaggerated sense of superiority to protect him or her from subliminal emotions of inferiority. Placing the blame for others' shortcomings also redirects shame.

Being a Narcissistic Extension, and How To Recognize Narcissism In Yourself, comment on Games in love.