Why Marriages Fail
Our today's article is a little bit sensitive for those who are so closely attached in their marriages, in modern time marriages are a bit complicated at Games in love. Moreover, with that frame of mind, it becomes a headache in most relationships because nobody would know the cause in love games. But we tried to reduce your difficulty through our article which makes you a little bit aware that Why marriages fail.

Why marriages fail I know most of you are single but we need to prepare you before starting your marriage relationship because the real issues with marriage are not really married in eternal love.

Most times it's the foundation, the base is one of the essential parts in every relationship if the foundation is not right, it doesn't matter what the design they want to put on top somebody in human relations.

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”            
  Mignon McLaughlin  

Why marriages fail

1) Self-love

Why marriages fail because people don't like themselves, in other words, self-love in the true love game. If you don't love yourself then you can't give love to your partner what you don't have with you. You must first love yourself, I'm not talking about selfishness.

Note: Why some people are desperate to marry as they don't like themselves they tend to run into somebody else's life so you must first like yourself to love somebody else.

Who you are that would determine the kind of marriage you have, you can't really marry above your knowledge that you have or the person that you are though for a good marriage you must first love yourself along with your life.

Now marriage rescue is not a mission of your life.

Special point for a good marriage.

Bachelor's Benefits 

If you're single, it's a practice time as well as preparation time for a sacred marriage, your single years is packaged in time

  • Preparing yourself for life
  • Preparing yourself for destiny,
  • Preparing yourself to love someone for a happy relationship
What are Marriages

It is a beautiful relation where two souls are going to connect their christy love through a heart connection. It's considered a cultural universal where not only the bride and groom connect, in fact, their families also connected with one another in a love joint. You can also say matrimony.

Importantly, Marriage is only a vehicle to get you to the destination, marriage itself is not the goal at games in love.

Remember- Many people are not happy in marriage today because they set open marriage as the goal. when they got there they found out nothing is happening there if you are not going somewhere, a good marriage itself is not a cure-all for all the problems of your life. Thus don't treat marriages as a goal, it's a soul connect the power of love.

What would you do with your life if there was no marriage, love your life so first love yourself as nobody will get the second chance of living the love again inside the game in love.
No rehearsal game at love bites so start loving yourself then only you can love your partner.

2) Unlisted Goals

Some people think they had set only unlisted goals for the art of marriage that once they get married, jump think once having sex, money enough. It's the biggest failure of marriages.

People don't love themselves that's why people want to enter relationships, not in pure heart biscuit love relationship

Don't take my point in a wrong way, I m telling you the truth.

Just include in your life - Fulfillment marriage

love your life purpose, It's not the author is not the goal of fulfillment is happiness in love, so you pursue your own happiness. Now be happy as a person because love never fails in fact, many single people think if I meet the right person I'll be happy, no the right thinking is if I'm happy I'm more likely to meet the right person.
Human Relations
3) Ego Issues

When the ego is entered into human relations it makes the relationship worst. In today's world, both men/women are working on a great level so if anything happens between them they don't try to solve it on the first part coz they think that it's not my mistake he/she should apologize first. So egoism is the common problem where relationships are ending in love.

There are many married people praying for the marriage separation, as they want to be single, they're gonna come out because they don't deal with their partners in the right way in love box, they don't discuss the matters by sitting with each other. So, you still have a chance to do it right.

4) Mindless Failure

The day you marry everything in your life is gonna is split in love scenario,

  • your time
  • your money
  • your resources
  • your energy
It is gonna be split and guess what it gets worse when the children come oh my god for the next 21 or so years.

Your life will never be the same at games in love so are you saying that this time you have this precious, you would never have it again but you are trying to run away, these things are supposed to build now that you will never have time to build again in everlasting love.

Another reason,

5) People don't love each other

Why marriages fail is that people don't love each other in love games so a lot of people in relationships don't actually know what love is so they really do not actually love each other.

What they love??
Is only marriage

People just love the,

  • Idea of marriage
  • Idea of romance
It's not the individual they are married to. They love people send a message all the time, pasta everybody in my house, or my siblings married leads me...

For them, marriage is all these actions. They like marriage, children that's it not love life

Importantly, they don't like the individual that they have married to, they have no likeness at games in love.

In America

Just the idea is what they like the variety plan that I want to get married before they turn 30 so if they meet you at 28 no matter who you are, they marry you.

When you love yourself, you will also love whoever you want to marry him/her. You have to actually love the person not just the idea of the person, not the image, not the gift you know some people think when they see people on this stage they actually love the image of the person on the eternal love stage they don't love the person as a human being.

Special advice - You have to be the kind of person that people meet you once, want to meet you again in their lives.

6) Terms & Conditions

This should affect your terms and conditions, all the time you must have certain terms and conditions before you will start a relationship with a guy/girl. If your partner is unable to fulfill your conditions then you out of your control.

You start shouting at your partner which is disrespectful in the relationship. It's one of the biggest trouble that's why marriages fail. So you need to be self-controlled. Be careful in your words coz if you respect your partner he /she also respects you in a nice manner and tries to understand your problem as well. Choose the right person as a symbol of love.

=> If a guy is asking for your hand in marriage love the basic terms and conditions to discuss is sexual purity.

Discuss sexual purity if a guy is saying hey I love you baby and all these things tell him what his plans, issue of self-control.

The game of self-control is not just for when you are single alone, it gets intensified when you are married if you skip the test now you are setting yourself up for bigger failure in marriage.

Big failures

When you are married because the temptations don't stop just because you say I do, you don't change who you are. So now is the time one of the basic terms and conditions to discuss is sexual purity.

7) Forgiveness

This marriage thing is not as complicated as we will make it. Everything you were supposed to be doing inside of the marriage is work at a love connection. You're supposed practicing for free the things that cause the problem to erase unforgiveness. Forgive all those that offend you then to forgive the person you claim you love should not be difficult.

All the instructions are the same as being patient at games in love. Moreover, it's training you build yourself, build your financial capacity marriage is not a source of income.
Please don't marry a man's/woman potential, Mary is patterned everybody has potential.

I hope our advice would provide you little way to deal with your problems or insecurities in marriages.

For any advice just reach us @gamesinlove.com