How To Ask A Girl If She Has A Boyfriend

How to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend or what do you say if you approach a girl and she says me have the boyfriend this topic is a little bit a moot point maybe if you like a girl who's been already in a relationship.

How do you know if she's telling the truth or not? Moreover, how you respond to that...

How to approach a girl

Start talking to her she tells you right away I'm sorry I have a boyfriend how do you know she's telling the truth, how do you respond to that well the thing is the women will often use that "As an excuse".

When they just don't want to talk to somebody it's just an automatic response that seems to work a lot of times because if you kind of pursue someone who's got a boyfriend that kind of makes you seem unpleasant, so it also a ready excuse for her to be like.

So what you want to say is no worries but do you really have a boyfriend,

=> Don't be defensive
=> Kind of playful
=> Teasing about it

If she's in a good mood and actually open to pretension potentially having a conversation then she might reconsider and say the truth if you fibbed because they could probably get hit on all the time so leaves her an opportunity to come out of her fib maybe even feel bad about it enough to want to chat with you but the key is to actually

A) Watch for her response
B) Her body language and
C) Her facial expressions

Thus if she's frowning like any of the signals it's not a good idea to proceed like if she says no I really have a boyfriend.

So you're into this girl and she has a boyfriend now most people have two questions in their minds,

Should I let it go or Should I make moves what should I do, They got totally confused into these silly questions to ask a girl...

The most important thing is, what if you flirt with this girl to be with you either they cheat their boyfriend's or not even cheat just like break up with them to be with you, hmm.

Realy powerful lines

"Once you lose yourself you have two choices: find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely"                                                  
                                                                                                  BY  H.G.WELLS 
so if she's with someone else,
Remember, If someone cheated on their boyfriend to be with you they might cheat on you too.

Note - A person who is tempted into liking someone else while they're with another person then that might happen to you also.

If she clearly says that I really don't want to talk to you it's a pretty clear sign

=> She may not want to talk to you personally
=> She might be busy
=> She might be having a bad day or it might not be anything to do with you

Silly Questions To Ask A Girl
It just could be the wrong timing or the wrong girl. In this situation, How to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend and when is the right time to ask a girl out.

1) Never leave a conversation being rude about it

2) Don't walk away and be like you don't have to be so cranky all that does is put a poor taste in her mouth.

Because she didn't ask you to come over and then be rude to her because she doesn't feel like having company.

Advice - Always take the high road just be courteous, that will make it easier for the next guy to approach. Guess what you might be the next guy to approach some other girl who's actually had not a bad experience rejecting a guy because sometimes what happens when women who get approached a lot if they're attractive women then usually the guys who have enough confidence to approach them typically are more aggressive kinds.

If you don't come across as being natural and genuine then it's just such a major turnoff so always be a gentleman if she doesn't want to talk to you didn't then just leave.

Keeping hit on way too many times,

=> She might react right away
=> She might pause to think

In that pause is you give her permission, to tell the truth. You can say it's okay if you fibbed I get it, I'm sure you get approached a lot right so
·  You're understanding her
·  You're sort of feeling for her
·  Being empathetic about her situation at the same time

Because you say I'm sure you get approached a lot you're actually giving her validation along with credit for being the type of girl men want to approach.

Approaching Advice - Just practice until you get more comfortable about approaching people. That's probably the best way to handle it if she really says no I really do have a boyfriend or I'm just really not interested "respect her wishes" because of guys who don't respect those wishes, keep pushing that all women get their back up are really put off by guys approaching them.

Try to be kind of compassionate and understanding about it, if she's actually potentially in the mood to talk to you then she might open up the conversation whatever she wants. 

Sometimes, if someone is in a relationship with a person, it just doesn't work out between them and finally, their relationship breaks on their own terms and they become single again. They might be looking for someone else.

This might be your timing for cute ways to ask a girl out in person, trying to win over this girl it's the perfect swooping in coz this time her brain is totally free she could share her previous relationship experience with you.

 You may think in Two ways,

1) When someone is in a relationship just it's like oh I found someone better, that's you do you want to be with someone who does that who is convinced into liking someone else just because it's new or,

2) You want someone to break up with their boyfriend on their own terms so that you don't get treated the same way as their previous boyfriend.

Advice - The best thing that you could do is if someone is in a relationship leave them be just opt out of it wait until they're single then you can try to flirt with them, convince them to be with you.

Special Advice - There's nothing wrong with being someone and falling in love with someone else. Being honest as well as respectful about that. Breaking up with someone of course but this is just about from the other person's perspective do you want to pull someone out of a relationship that's not a good idea. Don't be offensive.

Hope you like our article How to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend or what do you say if you approach a girl if she has a boyfriend with our advice along with tips. Just comment below for any queries at Games in Love and share it with those who need it more than you.