How to give your girlfriend space without losing her
Do you have a woman in your life, but she just told you that she wants some space, How to give your girlfriend space without losing her.

When a woman wants space, it means she's having second thoughts about committing to you for the long term, that’s the root of the problem so, how to give her space without losing her. 

Giving women space when she does get her space, she probably will not come back to you if you're not the perfect guy for her.

Because if you were the perfect guys for her, she wouldn’t need space. She wouldn’t even think of doing anything that would make her risk losing you.
1. How to give a girl space without losing her, You must become the perfect guy for her.
2. You must give her the space she wants, but not lose her in the process.

You can solve both parts of the problem with one thing. It's every woman's biggest deepest need. If you have it, she’ll leave you for a bit then come running back.

Note - If she doesn’t find it in a man, she’ll leave him, simple.

The biggest deepest need is the dominance factor, it's the biggest deepest need of any healthy woman in the world. Every woman feels the powerful need to be attached to a strong, dominant man who loves her.

You see it all the time,

=> When women put on sexy outfits, it’s to attract the attention of men, dominant enough to approach.

=> Women play mind games to weed out the losers from the real men.

=> The happiest, most well-adjusted women out there are the ones with dominant men in their lives.

Women today want to be strong and independent. But when the opportunity to become someone’s rich housewife comes along, they’ll take it in a heartbeat. That’s the importance of this factor.

It has three parts,

a) Psychological strength, this means almost nothing should bother you, offend you, or trigger you.

b) You must have financial smarts. You got to be able to pay your bills and support your chosen lifestyle all by yourself.

c) You must have social skills.

How to give a girl space

Make her feel like you have this factor even if you don’t quite have it yet. It’s because, in a woman’s mind, it doesn’t matter if you have the factor or not. If she feels you have it, then she’ll act as you have it. In other words, if she feels you’re the most dominant guy she’s ever met, then she won’t leave you.

She won’t need any space anymore. Instead, she’ll love you and stay with you forever. If you’re not abusive instead, you’re a guy who loves her, wants nothing but the best for her.

How to give a girl space
How to give her space she wants without losing her at the same time?

Giving her space

Step 1- Unexpectedly giving a woman space, when she least expects it. You could give her space right after you, take her on an enjoyable date or you could do it during a period in your relationship when everything seems normal.

You could just tell her, you’re right maybe we both need space. We should take a few weeks off and see what happens.

Note - The key is to do it unexpectedly on your terms, not hers. When she least expects it, you suddenly tell her.

Step 2
 - Devote time for yourself, have the time of your life. Over the next few weeks, you unplug from your relationship. Avoid contacting your girlfriend no matter what, no calls, or no texts.

Then you do whatever you want. You could catch up with your friends, you could go on a well-deserved vacation or you could work on your career or business. In other words, you have the time of your life. Do what makes you happy.

Step 3 - Treat like an old friend that's How to give her space but still show you care. she calls you to ask how you’ve been doing that’s when this step comes in, where you treat her like an old friend. If she asks to meet up, go ahead.

Remember, avoid talking about your relationship during the date. Instead, you have fun, crack jokes, tell her about the adventures you’ve been having. It's to make her look like, you’re actually doing better after she left you. When you do that correctly, she’ll undoubtedly ask to get back together.

The key is to make her ask again. When she asks a second time to get back together, you’ll have put her in the mood to compromise that’s when the last step comes in, where you lay out your terms.

Giving a girl Space

When a woman says, I need space what most men do is the normal thing they push harder, yell louder, they insist, the pressure, they pull because they're frustrated, disappointed, they're afraid and because of those things we do bad pressure.

When your girlfriend or partner says I need space those all are really bad pressure. Things for her what does it do, it makes her want to move away and run away even faster than she was already moving away.

And on the other way, the good pressure is very calm, a confident, deliberate, very very conscious way of being.

The bad pressure is desperation, neediness, hurt, and anger that we put on people. On the other hand, the good pressure is just a calmer more conscious a longer view more internally, a content response that you give a woman when she says I need space.

Give her space

Give a girl space, You can say to her like, you need space, sometimes I do too. Take as much as you need I'm not going anywhere, it might sound like I love you enough to give you all the space you need and I love myself enough not to freak out over.

It might also like to go ahead take all the space you want I trust you but I also trust you to honor our relationship, not do anything stupid. It's with good pressure to have high expectations for the relationship you want, you can still tell her that sure take all the time you need.

But if you want to be near me, with me or even stay with me I'll give you the time you need because I'm secure enough in myself, I'm self-reliant enough on my ability and be happy even if you need time.

It lets her know that she doesn't need to run from you and it also lets her know, what she's leaving is the energy of groundedness, the energy of confidence, the energy of masculine security and safety, this is what every woman wish, So give her space make her want you.

Advice - You want to create this for yourself, you cannot provide good pressure to a woman if you don't already have a good feeling inside yourself.

Allow people to live their lives and to do what they need to do, to be happy so when you say I love you more to have you go off, be happy then I need to control you.

I love you enough to let you find your happiness instead of making you stay here to make me happy, you have to like yourself enough to say things like that so that's how to give your girlfriend space without losing her.

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