How To Restore Intimacy Disorder
Healing the avoidant attachment style and fears of intimacy, this multi-layered and somewhat complicated, How To Restore Intimacy Disorder.

What intimacy is, intimacy means to hear and feel into personal reality this means any relationship, anything potentially and hopefully is intimate if your intention is to have a close and deep connection with other people.

You can have an intimate relationship with your pets, children, spouse, and your parents. All of these are different types of relationships that are gonna fill different needs for you.

A lot of people tend to think that intimacy means sex and sex is really, only just a small part of intimacy but it's definitely a part of intimacy.

Wanting a deep connection with somebody but your behaviors, thoughts, actions, and past traumas continue to line up with situations that don't put you in a position to be deeply connected to other people so how to restore intimacy disorder.

=> life is literally just a series of relationships you are in relationship to everything and anything in this universe, when we become deeply consciously connected to one another, everything in this universe has the chance to see truths about ourselves and the universe.

Overcoming fear of Intimacy

1) Examine your thoughts and beliefs around intimacy and connection, a belief is simply a thought, enough times to where you have physically manifested the proof or evidence that supports your thinking.

This is when something becomes a belief, if beliefs are simply adopted then it means we have the option to change our thinking and beliefs.

2) We can certainly reframe things in ways that are negative or harmful to us or we can reframe them in ways that will be positive or beneficial to us.

=> Keep in mind that a lot of people aren't even aware of the beliefs that we have because they became so automatic at such an early age if a belief becomes automatic then we don't think about it anymore.

We're just behaving and taking action from that space unconsciously, we make choices and see life through the lens of these beliefs and it becomes the foundation from which we create in our lives.

Intimate issues, a really important step is to notice somatically, physically in your body what happens, what emotions start coming up, what feeling sensations come up just when you think about having an intimate or close relationship.

How to overcome intimacy issues

3) Use unconditional presence as a way to sort of, allow your being to open up and show the truth of what's hiding underneath these anxieties for us.

=> Work on the completion process or many other modalities to be unconditionally present with your emotions.

Advice - Slowly going give you a better understanding of what your own personal traumas are around connection because sometimes we might have things that we don't even know of or that we're not even aware of.
Intimacy disorder

Signs of fear of intimacy

Two main kinds of trauma that caused fear of intimacy or closeness:

a) Enmeshment trauma where your beliefs, wishes, wants, or desires are not taken into consideration maybe you're treated more like a pet or a doll smothering or hyper-controlling sexual assault, physical or emotional abuse in any capacity.

b) Outgoing trauma would be like abandonment, the hugs that were not given the emotional support, not given sort of the laughs, and you're gonna feel that energy which is a pull away from this fear of rejection from direct experiences with other people.

Where we felt shamed or criticized is now the physical proof or evidence that continues to support the beliefs  decided on subconsciously which may be something like,

=> Nobody's going to love me

If this was your trauma you may feel terrified when you enter into a relationship with someone. You might become your worst self because of relationship patterns.

Advice - Notice what are your unresolved trauma surrounds connection, how do you feel in regards to being close to other people.

How to get over fear of intimacy

4) Most people struggle with intimacy because they struggle with the capacity to be able to acknowledge, they don't have the capacity of being reflective enough to know what is going on inside of them to be able to share it in a way in which someone else can connect with, that relate to then respond to that.

Moreover, has components of empathy, the capacity able to give comfort.

Note - When people push intimacy they become more anxious, lower their anxieties to isolate themselves in a pull way.

So they really position themselves to need something that's non-relational to be able to feed this inability, to be able to connect, or to be able to manage their moods.

Advice - Try to engage in relationships with other people.

Intimacy disorder, when someone struggles with intimacy has to be able to commit themselves to take risks when they approach other people or when they try to engage in relationships.

Fear of intimacy symptoms

5) Creates itself intimacy because it's really showing broken and vulnerable part of who you are, it's a process of doing internally interpersonally around.

Intimacy is something that becomes a reflex in life so to create a new reflex of reaching for comfort with that, it's not something you do overnight.

It's a process you learn how to do and engage and it's very life-giving when you do it well but you feel awkward, inadequate and it's almost like you're stumbling around and it's uncharted territory and other people are good at it.

Sometimes it takes someone else helping facilitate that process like a therapist to facilitate, learn how to be intimate or how to be close.

Other things to Restore Intimacy Disorder is moving along with the process but there's nothing that beats just diving into relationships and allowing yourself.

So try and gauge engaging them in two congruent ways that kind of forces you to do that particularly.

Engaging yourself with healthy people because there's a lot of unhealthy people that will do superficial conversations with you but there are healthy people who will relate to you in a way that's intimate, it will help teach you how to do that in return.

Special Advice - Trust your gut sometimes if we're just anxious around people because maybe we just don't want to be around that person.

How To Restore Intimacy Disorder, is your relationship also suffering from intimacy disorder do comment at Games in love.