Master The Art Of Love Like You With These 10 Tips

If you're in love and you really want them to feel the same way and love you back then must read Master the art of love like you with these 10 tips.

Falling in love is something that happens to us not something that we make happen by an act of will but having said that there are many things that can increase the chances of another person falling in love with you.

There are things that you can do that paved the way and encouraged them to fall deeply in love with you.

Make a man love like you

These tips are focused on replicating the changes in brain chemistry that happened to all men when they are in love when you use them simultaneously your man is going to want you more and becomes attracted like never before.

Interesting facts about Life and Love

Three phases that we all experience things about love,

a) Attraction phase

b) Infatuation phase

c) The attachment

In the attraction phase,

The first hormone that you want to trigger is adrenaline also known as norepinephrine, that feeling you get when you're really attracted to someone or when you really like someone.

Some people call it the butterflies, It's caused by adrenaline when you're attracted to someone your body is releasing adrenaline just as it does during the fight-or-flight response chemically.

=> It's the same response if you fear for your life, your body prepares you to fight.

=> It's that same wide-eyed electricity in your veins feeling you get when you have the butterflies.

When you do that the arousal he feels can get transferred to you and the level of attraction he feels towards you increases.

In other words, when you trigger your fight-or-flight response by engaging in thrilling activities together, your adrenaline increases, your heart races, your palms get sweaty.

You both experience gets associated with the other person and your feelings of attraction and excitement about your partner increase.

Note -  The second important neurotransmitter in this phase is dopamine because it plays an important role in attraction, the process goes like when you see a person you're attracted to dopamine levels in your brain instantly because you've detected something desirable in your environment that hit of dopamine makes you become instantly more focused and excited.

If you're able to artificially provoke an increase in your level of dopamine in the presence of another person you become more attracted and start to enjoy and desire that person.

It turns out engaging, challenging, and novel activities.

Love Forever

When that happens you associate those great feelings to the people that you're with so if you find ways of engaging your man in the novel, challenging, and exciting experiences with you that will cause you both to have elevated dopamine levels.

Note - You'll feel closer and more attracted.

Advice - Always leave him wanting more, simply put you to be that person he wants to be with the most.

So keep things light and fun you have to rock his world in the way that no one else can and leave him wanting more, leave him craving more and the only person who can satisfy that craving and need is you that's super attractive loveforever.

Advice - Put limits on the length of time you spend with him in the beginning pace yourself and always leave him wanting more time with you.

The infatuation phase

Infatuation is a profound feeling of desire and obsessively strong admiration for someone, it's marked by a sense of excitement and euphoria,  it's often accompanied by lust and a feeling of newness.

Feelings of attraction, excitement, giddiness, and apprehension so if you are able to raise a man's level of PA and your presence he's more likely to become infatuated with you.

Advice - Deliberately spend time gazing into his eyes, this isn't going to be difficult to do, contact for five to seven minutes try, won't believe how effective it is.

love like you

Psychological Facts About guys in love

On the psychological side of things, it's very important to keep your standards high during the infatuation stage remember it's your values, your expectations that set the bar for your relationship.

It sets what you expect as well as sets the bar for love the way we love and value ourselves, sets up the way in which we let other people love and value us.

They're often willing to compromise their standards in the early stages of dating and when you do that you are setting low parameters for him, when you compromise your standards you're always going to get less than you need and less than you deserve.

When you set the parameters low you're letting him know that it's okay to treat you poorly and when he knows then you lose value in his eyes and he begins to believe that you aren't going anywhere.

When he knows that you're sticking around despite his bad behavior then he has no fear of losing you, he knows that you are head over heels and obsessed with him.

Advice - Don't be afraid to disagree with him on bad behavior. If you see something, say something don't brush it under the rug.

Remember to keep your standards and expectations high.

The attachment phase

Oxytocin is a very powerful neurotransmitter that is used to form attachment in both children and adults. Oxytocin is the hormone that facilitates bonding between romantic partners and the most exciting part is when oxytocin is released the positive bonding and attachment effects are profound high levels of oxytocin.

It's associated with feelings of love, sexual desire, and bonding among romantic couples.

Things you can do to make him Love Like You, how he falls in love

1) Physical touch, the best way to stimulate his oxytocin production is through physical touch like giving him a massage.

Massage is one of the best ways to get access and released into the body, it benefits both the person giving the massage as well as a person receiving the massage both show increased levels of oxytocin.

You don't need to be a professional at it but simply spend 17 to 20 minutes massaging your partner, you both experience an increased feeling of closeness and attachment.

2) Physical intimacy and sex cause both men and women to release oxytocin as they are both more likely to develop a bond and become more attached, the more hugging, kissing, and gazing into each other's eyes.

So having those quickies with him probably isn't going to help much with the bonding process instead make a deliberate attempt to hold off on the sex.

Advice - Lengthen your lovemaking session to include as much physical contact.

3) Psychological side of things, there are also things that you can do to pave the way for a man to become deeply loved like you.

That type of attachment starts when you are a person that you can trust, the trust is necessary for deep love and a healthy relationship.

4) Trust each other you respect, the fact that each of you has a life outside of the relationship, you don't try to replace that life.

Trust is believing your partner has good intentions, they have your best intentions in mind even when you disagree or are disappointed, you truly feel like your partner is on your team you never have the feeling that their actions were done to betray you.

Advice - It's trusting that your partner is sexually and romantically exclusive with you.

5) Listen and empathize with your partner, support and encourage your partner through a difficult time trusting someone with your heart and your feelings mean that you can be vulnerable without fear of any negative consequences that trust builds emotional intimacy.

Remember, it's the foundation for deep love.

How to approach a girl to Love Like You

6) Be independent having a life of your own is essential to any relationship, what you want in life, and being self-aware of what you want in a relationship having your own time to fulfill your needs is just as sexy as trying to fill her needs in love again.

If you have hobbies, friends, and activities, you shouldn't stop them for a girl you should also know how to take care of yourself and your homegirls don't want to be a mother shows a little freedom.

7) Passion, have you ever thought about playing an instrument, sport, or getting into politics all of these things involve being passionate. Girls love it when something is passionate about the person they have their eye on but if you say you're passionate about something a girl can see right through. if you don't have a passion try new things that you've been meaning to do.

8) Taking a relationship slow, take things slow and she will appreciate it if you did too when trying to start a flame it's best to slowly work your way to the steamy stuff, it will take more than ten dates for a girl to fall for you or at least let you know she has fallen for you, you should also refrain from professing your undying love to her after two to three dates.

9) The way to a woman's heart is through laughter, girls love to laugh and they like people who have a good sense of humor.

You shouldn't shy away from making fun of yourself either this shows that you have some humility and you don't take yourself too seriously just try not to overdo it, also include her in the jokes with some flirty teasing.

10) If you want to make a girl love like you, you have to dress and look the part, there are a ton of products on the market to make you smell and look clean it's because women love them.

You should also take care of your body and try to squeeze in some workouts taking care of yourself and looking good will help with your self-esteem and confidence.

Advice - Share things about yourself that you may not tell other people, tell the girl you like a special secret about yourself that no one knows. When you show a girl you're willing to trust her it makes her more inclined to trust you.

Try to indulge these love like you tips into your love connection do you also know any other love like you tip share your opinions at Games in love.