Why Are Some People Only Happy When In A Relationship?

One could discover that they can feel good about themselves even if they are single. Then it will be obvious that they are not going to need anyone else to feel good about themselves, Why are some people only happy when in a relationship?

Being this way is probably going to prevent them from dating someone just because they're depressed. They can find it very simple to put off dating until they meet someone they truly want to be with.

Therefore, if they do find someone, it will demonstrate that they genuinely desire to spend the rest of their lives with that person. They will be attracted to one another, but there will also be chemistry due to their shared morals.

Make Others Feel Good About Themselves

Then, just as one will add something to the life of the other, this person will add something to their own. However, what they exchange won't be anything they ought to be giving to one another.

In the end, one will act more like a dependent human being than an interdependent human being. Both what they can provide themselves and what they can't be available.

Note - One of the major advantages of relationships is the provision of emotional support. Your loved ones can show compassion and comfort while you are under stress or adversity by listening to your problems and validating your feelings.

You might go to your spouse first in a romantic relationship if you need this support. It's common to want emotional support and direction from partners, especially in committed relationships. But emotional dependence goes beyond the point where help is needed.

How To Make Someone Feel Better About Themselves - It will come easy for them to feel nourished by their partner's compliments. The difference is that if this individual were to go, the fire that is already burning within them wouldn't die out.

Imagine having a dog before meeting this person, having a dog while they are around you, and having a dog if it ends. You'll better comprehend what I'm saying if you do this. Throughout each of these phases, this dog will be handled differently, but it will still be present.

If their relationship ended, their self-worth might see a minor decline, but it might not take long for it to rebound. Thus, they won't come to hate themselves at this time.

Note - The most wholesome kind of connections, interdependent ones, are in the middle. Interdependence is being able to identify and take action to meet many of your own emotional needs.

How To Make People Feel Good

You may turn to your spouse for assistance if you are unable to meet them on your own. In other words, while not all of your emotional requirements, you rely on them for part of them.

Emotional reliance is on the opposite end. Here, you frequently find yourself depending on your partner to take care of almost all demands. They may be the first people you turn to when you're in difficulty rather than attempting to control your emotions on your own.

If you feel as though you would be unable to function without their emotional support, your relationship may have taken a turn toward unhealthy levels of reliance.

In a way, if their relationship ends, their degree of self-worth will act as a safety net to prevent them from hitting rock bottom. They will be considerably more hardy than they otherwise would be.

How To Make Someone Feel Good About Themselves

They might have spent several years getting to this stage in their development. They could not have been able to feel well because they depended on someone else for most of their life.

Conversely, if someone discovers that they cannot feel good about themselves unless they are in a relationship, it is usually a sign that they are emotionally reliant on other people to feel good.

A person like this might date just about anyone or they might be far pickier. In either case, they are inevitably going to exert some pressure on someone else to make them feel good.

One could unconsciously regard the other person as a parent. Then, one will be a young person who is lacking something, and their companion will be an adult who is there to fill that void.

How To Make People Feel Better

The dread of what would occur if the relationship were to end is one of the reasons that will motivate one to do everything in their power to maintain the relationship. Therefore, making sure they are not single will be the most crucial thing for them to do.

One will have a dog when they are in a relationship, but they won't have one before or after, unlike the individual in the example above. They won't intensify the positive emotions they already feel instead, being in a relationship will make them feel emotions they don't typically feel.

Note - Emotionally dependent People frequently require reassurance and support from their partners. If you frequently feel insecure or self-conscious, you may need their approval to feel good about yourself.

This need might cause anxiety about what might occur if they depart or cease giving you the confidence you require.

Make Others Feel Good About Themselves

How You Make Others Feel About Themselves

To keep them around, these worries about abandonment may prompt attempts to manage their behavior.

However, attempting to control others usually backfires. People who experience manipulation or lack of autonomy may eventually desire to exit the relationship.

It is also natural for them to depend on their relationship because they don't typically feel these emotions. These positive feelings will be attributed to this person.

Consequently, one is likely to experience extreme dejection if this individual decides to quit the relationship. They might overeat or drink to make up for it, or they might find someone else to fill the void that has developed inside of them.

How To Make Others Feel Good

Note - Relationship dependence frequently includes some degree of emotional suffering.

You may experience anxiety and unease if you worry about the future of your relationship and your partner's feelings for you on a constant, low-grade basis.

When you're apart, you can find yourself worried a lot about their whereabouts and whether they still adore you. Your baseline stress level may be rather high as a result of this focus.

If one were to reflect on their life, one might discover that one had always struggled with self-esteem. This may suggest that they weren't given the proper care during their formative years, which is necessary for healthy development.

Things That Make People Feel Good

In other words, they might have been neglected or abused as children. But right now, they must take action to stop what's happening.

Note - You miss out on learning how you can provide emotional support for yourself if you solely rely on your partner for it.

Expecting someone else to always fulfill all of your demands is unrealistic. It's crucial to have a few go-to coping mechanisms for when others aren't available.

Additionally, the emotional pain you feel when they fail to meet your demands can quickly take up the majority of your brain space. This limits your ability to engage in pleasurable pursuits or interact with friends and other loved ones.

Romantic rejection can promote desire by activating brain regions related to motivation, reward, addiction, and cravings. The fallibility of the unavailable may be justified scientifically, according to recent studies, and some people just can't help it.

Some people are lured to the ambiguity of dating, the unpredictability of being with someone who seems to be different from them, or the unknown.

Someone Who Makes Everything About Themselves

Most of us have met a nice guy or sweet girl who always pays attention to our feelings and goes above and beyond to make us happy. As luck would have it, he or she is also interested in dating us.

Advice - Every partnership needs to have clear boundaries. Without well-defined boundaries, getting what you need for anyone becomes very difficult, if not impossible.

Let's say that if your partner is having a rough day, they have a habit of calling you at work. You want to help them, but doing so makes it difficult for you to complete your work, and you are concerned about what your supervisor will think.

Here, setting a limit can be beneficial. I understand your difficulties, but I also have to go to work, you might reply. Please text if you'd like to speak with someone. Then, whenever I get a moment, I may respond.

Make People Feel

Alternatively, perhaps they want to spend all of their free time with one other, and you want to make sure that both of you are making time for other relationships.

Why are some people only happy when in a relationship? and How to make people like you more, comments at Games in love.